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πŸ”— Linking Your Collections

Linking Your Collections

Integrate your collection with your game to establish verified ownership, enhancing the credibility of your collection on the game store. This verification allows players to recognize your collection as an authenticated part of the game. Additionally, linking your collection enables access to advanced features that require ownership verification, making it a beneficial step for game developers.

Benefits of Linking Your Collection:

  • Verified Ownership: Confirms you as the legitimate owner of the collection.
  • Store Showcase: Promotes trust by displaying your collection as verified within the game store.
  • Advanced Features: Unlocks specialized functions that necessitate ownership privileges.
  • Blockchain Transparency: Clearly indicates which blockchains are supported by the game, an essential piece of information for players.

It is strongly recommended to link your game collection to maximize these benefits.


Important Note: Linking your collection solely confirms ownership status. To leverage the full suite of collection-related features within your game, please refer to the Collection Features guides. Click here to open collection guides

How to Link Collections

Select your game

  1. Log in to the 3Engine Console.
  2. Navigate to the Games section.
  3. Select the game to which you wish to add a collection.

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Navigate to the Collection Section

  1. Scroll down to the Collections section.
  2. Click on the Add Collection button.

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Connect and Select Your Collection

  1. Connect your wallet.
  2. Choose the Blockchain where your collection is deployed on.
  3. Paste your collection's address.

Note: A list of our supported chains is available here.

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Sign a Message

Sign a message with your wallet.

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Upload Cover and Verify Ownership

  1. Upload a cover image for your collection.
  2. Click Verify Ownership to confirm your ownership of the collection and add it to your game.

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πŸŽ‰ Congratulations! You have successfully added your collection to your game.